Gas fireplace log type
Ventilation is an important issue to consider when choosing logs for a gas fireplace, as it also affects the amount of heat output. Depending on your fireplace setup, you will need ventilated or unventilated logs, and you will need to choose a log kit that suits your fireplace type.
Ventilated log
For a more authentic fireplace experience, ventilated gas logs will give you the best visual effect. Ventilated gas logs are more similar to real wood-burning fireplaces, with enhanced glow throughout the log. The disadvantage is that the ventilated logs lose the heat generated when they escape through the chimney.
Log without exhaust or no exhaust
In terms of heat output, unventilated log units do not lose heat through the ventilation system, and in general, you will find better results in terms of heating capacity and efficiency. Unventilated gas logs radiate heat back into the rooms where they are used.
* Please note that indoor gas fireplaces without ventilation cannot be sold in Canada.
Type of fireplace fuel type
When choosing a gas, wood-burning, or electric fireplace, be aware of the different fuel types available. Different fuel types affect the overall flame pattern. Gas fireplaces are usually equipped with log kits burned with natural gas or propane gas. Electric fireplaces, on the other hand, use electricity for heating. In addition, you can use almost anything in the firebox. Wood and pellets are other forms of fireplace fuel of choice.
Natural gas is a clean-burning fossil fuel that is supplied in large quantities throughout North America and delivered to homes through an extensive network of pipelines.
Propane gas is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic liquefied petroleum gas with a higher calorific value than natural gas.
Electric fireplaces are appliances that use LED flames and heaters to mimic real fireplaces.
Wood can be used in wood-burning fireplaces or traditional masonry fireplaces.
Wood pellets can be used in wood pellet fireplaces. Particle combustion is very effective.
Realism and aesthetic taste
Bring warmth to your home with a stylish gas fireplace. Style should always be considered when choosing logs for your home’s fireplace. Driftwood, birch, rock and shale, and many other options allow you to choose a gas log style that closely fits your style.
Once you’ve decided on the type of log that will best suit your fireplace, choosing a lining or trim to complement your choice can make the overall look one. These decisions will help make your fireplace stand out.